Here we describe the production of commercial filtered standardizedcannabidiol (CBD) hemp/ tobacco blend cigarettes (HTC). This blended cigarette is designed to aid insmoking cessation.Research has suggested that inhaling CBD cigarettes can significantly reduce asmoker'scravings for nicotine. Along with the CBD in the cigarettes, tobacco will beadded to thecigarettes. 4 different strengths of cigarettes will be made. The amount ofCBD at everycigarette strength will be 20% however the level of tobacco will vary. Thehighest cigarettestrengths will have the largest amount of tobacco and the last level havingzero tobacco. Thesmoker will start at a higher tobacco level, slowing going down to the lowestlevel at 6 weekintervals or at their pace and discretion. At the lowest strength the smokerwill have ceasedsmoking tobacco. At all strength levels of cigarettes they will have a verylow amount (less than.3% per cigarette) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (THC is the principalcannabinoid in cannabisthat causes psychoactive effects).