Embedded based Paralysis Recovery Metabolism. ” is a medical application used for the treatment and diagnosis of paralysis patient. Paralysis is a kind of disorder in which the patient cannot move their body part which is paralyzed. The reason is because brain looses contact with that particular body part, and hence no communication takes place. This application is not useful in treatment and diagnosis of the Paralysis. When the patient is in paralysis he will be treated with fresh air and positive ions emission in its chamber. The positive ions will be released through air to the patient so the media used is air. The positive ion discharger is made to release ions in air. This treatment will reduce the paralysis period to half. After the paralysis stage, there is the recovery stage. When ever the patient is in recovery stage than that particular body part start moving little bit unknowingly, let us take an example of hand. The patients hand will start moving, at such movement the patient has to be taken to the doctor. Now comes the main role of prediction. Till now the doctor were providing rough idea regarding the improvement of the hand or its development. But in this project we can moniter the movement of that body part and accordingly presented on graph. By calculating the increasing order ratio the specific time can be predicted to cure the disorder. Thus the patient can be treated by positive ion emission and the curing time of patient can be predicted. Till now up to date there is no such application in medical field for the treatment and diagnosis of paralysis, This is the first one introduced.