FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: planting unit for sowing germinated pumpkin seeds by dotted-cluster method involves a seed box with a sowing conveyor mounted in the side wall of the seed box at an angle to the horizon and having cells, guides and a reflector. The cells in the conveyor are designed as recesses with the shape and size of the sown crop seed, the cells in the cross section of the sowing conveyor are offset from each other by half the length of the cell, the cell depth is equal to the mean thickness of the sown crop seed. The cell length and width is determined by certain mathematical expressions. Spillway openings with the diameter of 0.4 cell width are made in the central part of the cell. The guides, placed between the cells, are fixed above the sowing conveyor. The thickness of the guides is equal to the average thickness of the sown crop seed. The upper branch of the conveyor has a support on the pallet. A brush reflector is provided at the top of the seed box near the drive unit of the sowing conveyor, the drive unit is coupled with a seed duct. The length S of the sowing conveyor, required for one hundred percent filling of the cells, is in the range of 200-250 mm. The seed box of the sowing unit is made detachable to allow for mounting and dismantling the sowing conveyor.EFFECT: invention allows to improve operational reliability of pumpkin sowing and to increase yield.2 dwgИзобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Высевающий аппарат для посева проросших семян тыквы пунктирно-гнездовым способом включает семенной ящик с высевающим транспортером, смонтированным в боковой стенке семенного ящика под углом к горизонту, имеющим ячейки, направляющие и отражатель. Ячейки на транспортере выполнены в виде углублений по форме и размерам семени высеваемой культуры, в поперечном сечении высевающего транспортера ячейки смещены друг относительно друга на половину длины ячейки, глубина ячейки равна средней толщине семени высеваемой культуры. Дл