Which comprises a First Stage pressure washing, Waste extraction, sediment, leaves and stems, Then Comes the specific court or hypocotyl of Maca Tuber Potato in a similar way to the thread, then deposited, Shake and let stand in a mixture of 9 g of bicarbonate. SODIUM, 4.5 g.Sea Salt for each kilo of hypocotyl, along with a Half Liter of water for each Pound of hypocotyl to extract the substances, acidity, tastes and odors are unnecessary, then placed the hypocotyl Cut, processed and aged in Sieve material for filter bags,He introduced into the Centrifuge being simultaneously washing and is removed from all the rest and residue of Moisture almost in its entirety, the later stage consists in introducing the hypocotyl or Root of Maca already rested, Treaty, Spin and Dry almost in its entirety on a MESH Basket Steel and put to fry by an average of 30 to 40 minutes, check the Crunchy texture.Roasted Honey smell, color and pleasant Flavor, wait for it to cool bags material Sieve to filter and subjected to centrifugation for a second time to remove all residual Oil and obtain the desired end productQUE COMPRENDE UNA PRIMERA ETAPA DE LAVADO A PRESION, EXTRACCION DE RESIDUOS, SEDIMENTOS, HOJAS Y TALLOS, LUEGO SE PROCEDE AL CORTE ESPECIFICO DEL HIPOCOTILO O TUBERCULO DE MACA EN FORMA SIMILAR A PAPAS AL HILO, POSTERIORMENTE SE DEPOSITA, MUEVE Y DEJA REPOSAR EN UNA MEZCLA DE 9 g. DE BICARBONATO DE SODIO, 4.5 g. DE SAL MARINA POR CADA KILO DE HIPOCOLITO, JUNTO CON UN LITRO Y MEDIO DE AGUA POR CADA KILO DE HIPOCOLITO PARA EXTRAER LA ACIDEZ, SUSTANCIAS, SABORES Y OLORES INNECESARIOS, POSTERIORMENTE SE COLOCA EL HIPOCOLITO YA CORTADO, TRATADO Y REPOSADO EN BOLSAS DE MATERIAL TAMIZ PARA FILTRAR, SE LE INTRODUCE EN LA CENTRIFUGA SIENDO SIMULTANEAMENTE LAVADO Y SE LE EXTRAE TODO EL RESIDUO DEL REPOSO Y HUMEDAD CASI EN SU TOTALIDAD, LA ETAPA POSTERIOR CONSISTE EN INTRODUCIR EL HIPOCOLITO O TUBERCULO DE MACA YA REPOSADO, TRATADO, CENTRIFUGADO Y CASI SECO EN SU TOTALIDAD EN UNA CANASTA