ABSTRACT In recent year, progress in biomedical field reach at higher level and the equipment helping patient in monitoring and controlling different disease at different stages. Also in many work environment worker has lot pressure and continuous movement on daily basis tends to foot related disease as getting exact details about the foot movement throughout the daily work routine is not possible. In available treatment options in such conditions, they are recommended to use of compression therapy delivered by bandage, medical-grade stockings, or pneumatic compression devices. While these forms of therapy can produce very little improvements, costly solution still patient remain an issues. As substitute of this need, wearable, wireless health monitoring system have recently emerged as a low-cost solution for management of foot health condition monitoring. The proposed system is to design and implementation of wearable device for foot disease monitoring where the system will be capable to detect the level of foot ulcers related issues along with daily exercise level monitoring. Following invention is described in detail with the help of Figure 1 of sheet 1 showing foot anatomical area and Figure 2 of sheet 2 showing the system architecture.