process of obtaining dental crowns and other dental parts in chemically activated acrylic resin with polymerization temperature control. The present invention aims at introducing a new process for obtaining provisional dental crowns and other dental parts using chemically activated acrylic resin (raaq), introducing efficient methodology in the “reloading procedure” that precedes the making of dental crowns and acrylic restorations characterized by providing Innovative way, significant gains in professional occupation time and final quality of the pieces obtained, besides providing greater comfort to the dental patient due to the shorter time spent in the session. The new process for obtaining provisional dental crowns and other dental parts uses controlled temperature polymerization, starting by directing a heated air jet over the previously processed provisional crown properly formed; The process is sequenced through the immersion of the crown in a cuvette which was previously filled with water, which was kept at a convenient temperature previously selected by the professional, kept constant and independent of the ambient temperature, established according to the physical and chemical properties of the employed raaq. Among other advantages, the proposed process guarantees high quality and homogeneity to the final product, uniform finish and excellent repeatability, complete polymerization due to precise temperature control, considerable reduction in professional fatigue due to automation and reduction of repetitive operations time, unit cost reduction. of the pieces for the time saving of the professional and, in addition, greater comfort to the dental patient by reducing the duration of the treatment session.processo de obtenção de coroas dentárias e outras peças odontológicas em resina acrílica ativada quimicamente com controle da temperatura de polimerização. a presente invenção visa introduzir um novo processo de obtenção de coroas dentárias provisórias e outra