(Glossary)SBJJ=suspension board of LSC by Dr. JJ, =any semi-soft board that is made of the materials that are proved being able to contact the human tissue in abdominal cavity. for example, the material of drainage tube, suture --etc. The board is sewed with many suture beforehand. (Doctors decide the size of board, the number of suture, and the location of suture. )(Glossary): EBJJ=external hard board by Dr. JJ, =offering the external fixation of the suture of SBJJ. If we give a upward force to EBJJ, the abdominal wall can be suspended with more uniform force. EBJJ is for aid and is not necessarily needed.Explanation:After mini-laparotomy of laparoscopic surgery, SBJJ is rolled into a tube-like shape and is put into the abdominal cavity. After SBJJ reverting to its board shape, the sutures pierce out of whole abdominal wall and are vertically fixed on EBJJ. As long as EBJJ is pulled upward, the abdominal cavity can be enlarged. If a augmented force is added on some suture, the local operation field can be more enlarged.(名詞解釋)SBJJ撐腹板=suspension board of LSC by Dr. JJ=已經被證明能夠放入人類腹腔內之任何軟材質,做成平板狀。例如:引流管材質,縫線材質---等等。並於板上選定位置事先縫上懸吊線。(板的大小&線的數目&縫的位置,由醫生現場決定)(名詞解釋)EBJJ外固定板=硬質平板,供SBJJ的線在病人體外繫上固定。垂直向上施力於此板可讓肚皮撐起時均勻受力。此板為輔助板,不一定需要。說明:請參考圖一二三在腹腔鏡手術做完微開腹(mini-laparotomy)後,將SBJJ捲成筒狀放入此孔內,俟其在腹腔內恢復成平板狀後,將縫線穿出肚皮並垂直固定在EBJJ上。只要向上拉起EBJJ,就可撐大腹腔。若局部加大施力於某條拉線,可以將局部手術範圍擴大地更清楚。於圖中標記說明之