The present invention relates to a spine fatigue testing machine, and more particularly to a development of a spine fatigue testing machine characterized by simulating lesions of tearing injury of the fibrous ring occurred due to long term loading by performing axial movement to a spiral specimen (i.e. performing an intervertebral disc fatigue test), and investigating mechanics origin of occurrence of the tearing injury of the fibrous ring at periphery of a lumbar intervertebral disc so as to providive reference of clinical research.一種脊椎疲勞試驗機,尤特指開發一脊椎體外疲勞試驗機,並以脊椎試件進行軸向運動(進行椎間盤疲勞試驗),以模擬長期載重發生纖維環的撕裂性損傷之病灶,探討腰椎椎間盤外圍纖維環的撕裂性損傷發生之力學原因,以提供臨床研究之參考,為其特徵者。10...可程式控制器(PLC)11...伺服驅動器12...減速齒輪機組13...支架14...轉盤15...連桿16...搖臂17...轉動子18...偏心軌道19...顯示器20...單軸向力量感測器21...X-Y載桌22...滑軌23...滑軌24...滑塊25...滑塊26...滑動板27...滑動板28...顯示器M1...前屈後伸動作驅動馬達M2...預負荷控制馬達A...電磁式近接感測器