Yi Seed Injury Kou Bao Nursing Installed are set, the Injury mouths of And Qie Bao Nursing Pi Skin on Ren Body Pi Skin can be fixed on, The Injury Kou Bao Nursing Installed are set comprising the Injury mouthfuls of portions Bao Nursing a Ge Right Should, and Yi Ge With The Bao Nursing Bu Even Jie And can be fixed on the fixed part on Pi Skin, the corbel arch wall that there are Injury mouthfuls of Bu Jie Touch And of Yi Ge With The to define a Ge Bao Nursing Kong Inter in the portions Bao Nursing The. Define The using The corbel arch walls and protect Nursing skies Inter, other than can be to protect Injury mouthful of Nursing, also can avoid and Injury mouthfuls directly meet Touch, cause to repair Complex mucus by Injury mouthfuls of More conjunction speed of suction universe shadow Ring, with Time can Minus Light Change Drug Over journeys feeling of pain.一種傷口保護裝置,可固定在人體的皮膚上,並且保護皮膚的傷口,該傷口保護裝置包含一個對應傷口的保護部,以及一個與該保護部連接並可固定在皮膚上的固定部,該保護部具有一個與該傷口不接觸並界定出一個保護空間的突拱壁。利用該突拱壁界定出該保護空間,除了可以保護傷口之外,亦可避免和傷口直接接觸,造成修復黏液被吸乾影響傷口癒合速度,同時可減輕換藥過程的疼痛感。1‧‧‧傷口保護裝置11‧‧‧保護部110‧‧‧保護空間111‧‧‧突拱壁112‧‧‧透氣層113‧‧‧撐條12‧‧‧固定部121‧‧‧基材層122‧‧‧黏結層