FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: series of inventions relates to medicine. Compressed breathing gas flow is created for delivery into individual's airway at insufflation pressure level before the time of transition. Transition time is identified based on one or more parameters of insufflation. In response to identification of transition time breathing gas flow pressure is reduced from insufflation pressure to exsufflation pressure. Value of flow during exhalation by patient is determined, where flow rate indicates flow from patient’s lungs during exsufflation. Desired level indicator of flow rate is obtained. Determined value of flow rate is compared with desired level indicator of flow rate, which corresponds to desired speed of gas flow from patient’s lungs. One or more exsufflation pressures are controlled, one or more parameters of insufflation or one or more parameters of insufflation/exsufflation transition are also controlled, based on comparison of determined value of flow rate with desired level of flow rate. Wherein value of adjustment is determined on basis of difference between determined value of flow rate and desired level of flow rate. Wherein value of pressure adjustment of exsufflation increases with increase of said difference and decreases at reduction of said difference. They implement adjusted exsufflation pressure, one or more adjusted insufflation parameters and/or one or more adjusted parameters of insufflation/exsufflation transition during subsequent breathing. Method is implemented by means of system.EFFECT: group of inventions enables to optimize insufflation and exsufflation in specific patient.15 cl, 5 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицине. Создают сжатый поток дыхательного газа для доставки в дыхательные пути субъекта на уровне давления инсуффляции перед временем перехода. Идентифицируют время перехода на основе одного или более параметров инсуффляции. В ответ на идентификацию времени перехода уменьшают давление сжатого потока дыхательн