The patent application reffers to a dry concentrate for preparation of refreshing energy drink without sugar added, without calorie value, but with sweeteners and a procedure for its obtaining. The invention belongs to the field of non-alcoholic beverages and solves the problem of obtaining a dry concentrate for the preparation of refreshing energy drink without sugar added. This was achieved, according to the first example of the invention, by means of content of exactly measured ingredients, given in mass percentage, and through a procedure where the previously prepared contents were mixed: natural sweetener eryithritol 75,50 mas %, citric acid 11,3mas%, natural lemon flavor 7,2 mas%, caffeine 2,6 mas%, sweetener sucralose 0,1 mas%, inulin 2,0 mas%, sodium hydrogen carbonate 0,1 mas%, magnesium chloride 0,1 mas%, vitamin C – ascorbic acid 1,1%, vitamines (niacin, vitamin B6, riboflavin) 0,002 mas%. In the second example of the invention, raw material base for the beverage with sucrose is the same, as mentioned above, except erythritol, instead of which is added sucrose 72,1 mas% and artificial sweeteners 1 mas%.Prijava patenta se odnosi na suvi koncentrat za pripremu energetskog osvežavajućeg napitka bez šećera, bez kalorijske vrednosti, sa zaslađivačima i postupak za njegovo dobijanje. Pronalazak spada u oblast bezalkoholnih napitaka i njime je rešen poblem dobijanja suvog koncentrata za pripremu osvežavajućeg energetskog napitka bez šećera. Ovo je ostvareno tako što se suvi koncentrat prema pronalasku u prvom primeru sastoji od tačno odmerenih masenih procenata i kroz određen postupak pripremljenih i zatim izmešanih sledećih komponenata: prirodni zaslađivač eritritol 75,50 mas %, limunska kiselina 11,3mas%, prirodna aroma limuna 7,2 mas%, kofein 2,6 mas%, zaslađivač sukraloza 0,1 mas%, inulin 2,0 mas%, natrijumhidrogen karbonat 0,1 mas%, magnezijum hlorid 0,1 mas%, vitamin C – askorbinska kiselina 1,1%, vitamini (niacin, vitamin B6, riboflavin) 0,002 mas%. U dru