The present invention relates to a liquid sprayer, only for pollination, without a blocking device at a spray nozzle, and more particularly, to a liquid sprayer, only for pollination, without a blocking device at a spray nozzle in which a controller can control a spray amount, stop time, and whether to spray of pollination water or not without a blocking device controlling a spray amount of a spray nozzle and determining whether to spray or not, when an agricultural chemical picked by a hand or carried on a shoulder or a pollination solution in order to artificially pollinate a crop, a fruit, or the like to bear fruit is sprayed. The present invention provides a liquid sprayer in which a pump (20) is connected to a container (10) having a lid (13) to supply a liquid solution to a supply hose (61) connected to an outlet (22), so the liquid solution is sprayed from a nozzle (64), and a liquid solution is supplied by power of a battery (40) installed to the container (10), wherein an inlet (21) of the pump (20) installed at one side of the container (10) is connected to the inside of the container (10) and supplies a liquid solution with the supply hose (61) at the external outlet (22), and the liquid sprayer further includes the controller (50) connected to the battery (40) and the pump (20) and provided with an on/off switch (51), a timer (52), and a spray amount controller (53) and the spray nozzle (60) which is connected to the supply hose (61) and in which a nozzle pole (63) and a nozzle (64) is installed to a nozzle handle (62) without a compressing handle.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 분무노즐에 차단장치가 없는 수정전용 액체 살포에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 손으로 들거나 어깨에 메고 작업하는 농약이나 작물 및 과일 등의 열매를 맺을 수 있도록 인공수정하기 위한 수정액을 분무할 때 분무노즐에 액체를 분무하는 용량의 조절과 살포 유, 무를 결정하는 차단장치가 없이 컨트롤장치에서 수정액의 살포량과 정지시간 및 살포 유, 무를 제어할 수 있도록 하는 분무노즐에 차단장치가 없는 수정전용 액체 살포 분무기에 관한 것이다.이러한 본 발명은 뚜껑(13)을 형성한 용기(10)에 펌프(20)를 연결하여 유출구(22)에 연결된 공급호스(61)로 분무노즐(60)에 공급하여 노즐(64)에서 분무되도록 하며, 상기 용기(10)에 설치한 배터리(40)의 동력으로 액체를 공급하는 액체 살포용