Carbamate compounds derived from hexafluoroisopropilo,Inhibitors of the Enzyme monoacil glycerol Lipase (MGL); Preparation Process; Medicine; Intermediate Compounds, Pharmaceutical Composition and its use for treating or Preventing Pain, Sharp or CRONicos, Dizzy, dyslipidemia and Epilepsy, among other diseases.
Carbamate compounds derived from hexafluoroisopropilo,Inhibitors of the Enzyme monoacil glycerol Lipase (MGL); Preparation Process; Medicine; Pharmaceutical Intermediate Compounds; composition; and their use for treating or Preventing Pain, Sharp or CHRNicos, vertigo, dyslipidemia and Epilepsy, among other diseases.<;p>;Compuestos derivados de carbamato de hexafluoroisopropilo, inhibidores de la enzima monoacil glicerol lipasa (MGL); proceso de preparació;n; medicamento; compuestos intermediarios; composició;n farmacé;utica; y su uso para tratar o prevenir dolores agudos o cró;nicos, vé;rtigos, dislipidemias y epilepsia, entre otras enfermedades.<;/p>;