A process of producing tea more particularly to a process of producing herbal tea from spray-dried leaf extracts of pansit-pansitan (Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth), caimito (Chrysophyllum cainito Linn.), guava (Psidium guajava Linn) and pandan (Pandanus odorus, P. amaryllifolius) comprising the steps of: preparing and selection of raw materials such as leaves from pandan, caimito, guava, and pansit-pansitan sorting and washing of the leaves to remove dirt and contaminants draining of the leaves using a colander for food safety extracting the herbal leaves separately through the juicer filtering of the extracted juice using a strainer or funnel and cheesecloth four times to obtain a clear and refined juice for spray drying collecting and transferring of the juice to the plastic containers storing of the juice in the freezer with a temperature of -18 degree Celsius to inhibit any chemical changes while waiting for spray drying transferring of the stored herbal juice to a refrigerator at 0 to 5 degree Celsius temperature to allow it to thaw and to ensure quality adding and mixing of maltodextrin as a carrier in each of the herbal extract spray drying of the four herbal extracts separately collecting and storing of the spray-dried extracts of the leaves of pansit-pansitan, caimito, guava and pandan in a clear glass jar covered with paper to protect the powdered product from light and moisture adding of food flavouring and packaging and labelling of the product.