The present invention is a cover-type containing structure for flexible enclosures with application for wearing, and more particularly to a structure, wherein a containing structure is worn on animal's body including human and pets, using a support enclosure and uses the support enclosure with combined multiple functions to facilitate the user in meeting the various different needs in outdoor activities. The support enclosure with multiple functions applied to pets can be used as a backpack, a rain and wind proof jacket, a carrier bag for pets, and also can be used to externally connect to a fixing device that is used to securely fix a pet droppings collection bag thereto, which is used to receive the droppings discharged by a pet. When applying the structure for wearing on human’s body, it can be applied to a personal protecting equipment in outdoor activities such as mountain climbing, paragliding, hang gliding, kite gliding, motorcycle riding , rafting, and the personal protecting equipment such as a protective clothing, air bag jacket, air bag with hollow sphere in round or oval shape.本發明係一種用於穿套之蓋合式撓性圍體收納構造,尤指一種將該收納構造穿套於包括人或寵物在內的動物身上,並藉由該多功能構造,提供使用者因應戶外活動各種不同需求時使用,可應用於騎乘摩托車、登山、滑雪、滑翔翼、飛行傘、泛舟等戶外活動緊急情況時使用的護體裝置,例如:防護衣、氣囊衣、中空球體及中空氣囊等,亦可應用於攜帶寵物外出的多合一功能裝置,例如:寵物背包、寵物風雨衣、寵物提袋、寵物糞便清潔袋之固定裝置等等。