The invention relates to a stabilizer for the lower link of a three-point tractor attachment system, comprising a first stabilizing element (12) and elastically mounted along a common longitudinal axis (14) with respect to the first stabilizing element (12), a second stabilizing element (16), and for regulating the total length stabilizer (10) both stabilizing elements (12, 16) with respect to each other can rotate around a common longitudinal axis (14). In addition, a blocking means (38) connected to the first stabilizing element (12) is provided, which can be moved to a predetermined blocking position to limit the elastic movement between the two stabilizing elements (12, 16). The first stabilizing element (12) has a locking protrusion (50) made rotationally symmetrical with respect to the common longitudinal axis (14), which, when the locking means (38) is in a predetermined locking position, engages with a recess located in the locking means (38) (48) in such a way that the movement between the elastic deflection and the return stroke between the two stabilizing elements (12, 16) is prevented, and the second stabilizing element (16) can be locked in relation to the first stabilizing element NTU (12) by means of locking means (76), wherein the locking means (76) comprises a spring clip (78) which engages with a circumference provided on the locking protrusion (50) or recess is pressed into it.Изобретение относится к стабилизатору для нижней тяги трехточечной навесной системы трактора, содержащему первый стабилизирующий элемент (12) и упруго установленный вдоль общей продольной оси (14) по отношению к первому стабилизирующему элементу (12) второй стабилизирующий элемент (16), причем для регулирования общей длины стабилизатора (10) оба стабилизирующих элемента (12, 16) по отношению друг к другу могут вращаться вокруг общей продольной оси (14). Кроме того, предусмотрено соединенное с первым стабилизирующим элементом (12) блокирующее средство (38), которое может быть