A bone fixation system comprises an elongated implant shaft extending from a proximal end to a distal end along a central longitudinal axis and including a first channel extending from the proximal end to a side opening formed in a side wall of the implant shaft along a first channel axis. The bone fixation system further comprises a bone plate having a first plate portion and a second plate portion, the first plate portion having a first opening extending therethrough along a first opening axis and the second plate portion having a second opening extending therethrough along a second opening axis, the second opening being configured to receive the implant shaft therethrough to permit insertion thereof into a head of a bone.一種骨固定系統包括細長的植入軸,該植入軸沿中心縱向軸線從近端延伸至遠端,並且包括第一通道,該第一通道沿第一通道軸線從近端延伸至在植入軸側壁中形成的側開口。骨固定系統還包括骨板,該骨板具有第一板部分和第二板部分,第一板部分具有沿第一開口軸線延伸穿過其中的第一開口,第二板部分具有沿第二開口軸線延伸穿過其中的第二開口,該第二開口被構造為接納植入軸穿過其中以允許其插入骨的頭部。10...骨固定元件12...軸14...頭部100...骨固定系統102...板104...第一部份106...第二部份108...鎖定孔110...軸線116...遠端118...通道130...軸134...遠端146...遠端開口20...反旋轉螺釘22...軸