A coffee beans roaster includes a metal drum for receiving coffee beans, an insulation board attached to a part of the metal drum, and a coil disposed below the insulation board. When the coil is powered with alternating current, a dynamic magnetic is created so as to induce the metal drum being heated. Accordingly, the coffee beans in the metal drum can be heated and roasted.一種烘豆機包括:一金屬滾筒、一絕緣板、以及一線圈。絕緣板貼附於該金屬滾筒的一部分,該線圈位於該絕緣板之下方。當交流電力通過該線圈,可使線圈產生交流磁場,並藉電磁感應加熱該金屬滾筒。藉此烘培咖啡豆。1‧‧‧烘豆機11‧‧‧金屬滾筒12‧‧‧絕緣板13‧‧‧線圈14‧‧‧散熱風扇15‧‧‧線圈支撐座17‧‧‧循環風扇18‧‧‧管道通路19‧‧‧三方連通管21‧‧‧灰渣管路22‧‧‧控制面板221‧‧‧咖啡豆出口24‧‧‧集塵箱111‧‧‧葉扇25‧‧‧外殼26‧‧‧框架27‧‧‧底板251‧‧‧開口