Synthetic Stem Cell-like Tissue Healing and Regeneration Medication with Anti-inflammatory, Protein Synthesis, Enzyme Deficiency Activation and Genetic Therapy, and Anti-cancer Agent derived from a series of inventions that include these products of Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Discovery from a Biologic Periodic Table of Applied Biochemistry and Biophysics. Tissue has a self healing effect promoting tissue healing and tissue regeneration. Not only does it maintain good health but also it has been observed that the patients blood is withdrawn from the patient and applied to the ulcer has healing qualities. Cartilage placed in a wound promotes and accelerates wound healing. The anabolic biochemical and biophysical equivalent of tissue has been found in these embodiments to have the same pharmacologic qualities, when devoid of genetic DNA mismatch and other catabolic factors including the catabolic effects of microorganism overgrowth that lacks pro-biotic qualities. The healing efficacy of these tissue components gives us further appreciation of the protective action of human tissue over and above and other than the immune protective system or perhaps an integral component part of the immune system.