A semisubmersible open sea aquaculture cage with combined wave and solar powergeneration, comprising a semisubmersible hull main structure, an aquaculturecage structure, arenewable energy power generation system and an anchoring system: thesemisubmersible hullmain structure is configured to serve as a carrier for the aquaculture cagestructure, the renewableenergy power generation system and the anchoring systems; the aquaculture cagestructurecomprises vertical net structures (34) and bottom net structures (108, 109);the renewable energypower generation system comprises a wave power generation system and a solarpowergeneration system; the anchoring system is disposed at four corners of the topof thesemisubmersible hull main structure. The semisubmersible open sea aquaculturecage can berapidly constructed, put into operation and transferred, and convert therenewable energy intoelectric power for the productions and livings on the cage.