A biopsy device handle having a biased firing mechanism activated by side and rear triggers. The firing mechanism has a longitudinally sliding deflecting portion including a post. The post is disposed within a channel and retained by a catch. The deflecting portion deflects transversely when transverse force is applied to a transverse face by the side trigger or when a longitudinal force is applied to an inclined face by the rear trigger to release the post from the catch.一種具有由側及背觸發器致動之偏壓觸發機構的生檢裝置之手柄。 該觸發機構具有包括一柱之縱向滑動偏轉部分。 該柱係設置在一個槽內並由一掣子制動。當側觸發器將一橫向力施加到橫向面上時、或當後觸發器將一縱向力施加到傾斜面時,該偏轉部分橫向偏轉以使該柱由掣子釋放。