The purpose of this design is to catch fish by fishing on the sea fishing ground, preparing the fishing rod and casting it so that the bait is settled properly at the point I want in the distant waters. As the bait is not settled at the desired point, it is impossible to catch the fish and it is difficult to catch the fish, and it is often a problem to take out and rearrange and cast again. This is because the fishing hook with the bait is lighter than the stick and it must fly away. However, it is not possible to fall over the stick and get caught in the fishing line (100) or stick and get tangled. To solve this problem, you just need to throw the stick on the upper part of the fishing hook and throw it so that the bait flies farther away. Just sit down and the bait does not move, so the fish does not enter the fish. The fishing rod (100) is made by putting a urethane foam cap with excellent buoyancy designed on top of this shortcoming on the magnetic flow underwater stone (200) and floating it up by buoyancy. Urethane foam magnet floating underwater stick that attaches to each other by the force of the magnet to the magnet fixed underwater rod 40 that depends on), which is the point I wanted because the fishing hook with bait flies farther than the stick The urethane foam magnet underwater stone, which sits on the bottom of the water and floats upward due to the buoyancy of urethane, has the advantage of preventing the casting of fishing rods due to entanglement by allowing the bait to move and receive the quality of the fish.본 고안은 우리가 바다 낚시터에서 낚시를 하는데 낚시대에 채비를 하여 캐스팅을 하여 먼 물속 내가 원하는 포인트에 제대로 미끼가 안착 하도록 하여 물고기를 잡는것이 목적 이다 그런데 낚시 원줄과 막대찌에 미끼가 올라타서 엉키어 내가 원하는 포인트에 미끼가 안착이 안되어 물고기 입질을 받지 못하게되어 물고기를 잡을수가 없게되어 다시 꺼내서 채비정렬을 다시하고 캐스팅 하는 문제가 종종 발생하게 된다 이는 미끼가 달려있는 낚시바늘이 막대찌보다 가벼워 더멀리 날아가서 떨어져야 하는데 그렇지 못하여 막대찌 위로 떨어져 낚시 원줄(100)이나 막대찌에 올라타게 되어 엉키는 것이다 이런 문제를 해결하기 위해서 미끼가 더 멀리 날아 가도록 봉돌을 낚시바늘 바로 윗부분에 달고 던지면 되는데 이 일반 봉돌은 물에 뜨질 못하고 바닥에 그냥 가라 앉아서 미끼가 움직이질 않아 물고기가 입질을하지 않는다 이런 단