A scalable, hydroponic plant cultivation system that incorporates top-down drip technology, a root misting spray, and a closed loop, lotic nutrient-rich, water-based solution circulation system in a highly oxygenated environment using aeration technology. The hydroponic system starts with a reservoir that is connected at its base to a series of plant containers which is in a closed loop system that pumps nutrient rich solution out from the reservoir to each plant container via an elevated, acequia drip system that provides the nutrient rich solution to the base of the plants, which is then circulated passively down through the root basket and then through the entire system of networked containers and back to the main reservoir. The next element of the hydroponic system has the reservoir connected to a series of pipes and manifolds that run through the upper interior of each plant container to deliver an aerated spray directed at the plant's upper roots. The next element of the hydroponic system is an aeration system that delivers oxygen directly into the nutrient rich water in each container. The final unique aspect of the system is the lightproof cover that covers the top of the root basket and wraps around the base of the stock of the plant to prevent algae growth. The aforementioned elements of the hydroponic system combine to create the optimum environment for what plants need for rapid and vigorous plant growth.