An aquatic feed with controlled release is disclosed, which is coated with multi-layered controlled release coating that includes polymers having better aquatic flavor. The aquatic feed with controlled release can attract the uptake of the aquatic animals, as well as keeping the integrity of the aquatic feed for at least 72 hours. Hence, the aquatic feed with controlled release can enhance the feed uptake rate and substantially decrease the problem of water pollution due to the collapse of the remaining feed in the water. Additionally, a method of making an aquatic feed with controlled release is further disclosed.一種控制釋放型水生動物飼料,其係利用水生動物適口性較佳的聚合物,形成多層結構之控制釋放膜衣以包覆水生動物飼料,不僅可誘使水生動物攝食,同時控制釋放膜衣之多層結構又可使包覆之水生動物飼料於水中的外觀完整性維持至少72小時。故,此控制釋放型水生動物飼料可提高飼料攝食率,並大幅降低未攝食殘存飼料崩解而引起水質污染的問題。此外,本發明更提供一種控制釋放型水生動物飼料的製造方法。