By using specific gravity, mass and gravity action and material collision action, light material molecules and heavy material molecules combined with all kinds of fluid material molecules and gaseous substance molecules are cleanly reworked using material molecular separator Environment-friendly eco-friendly method and material molecule separator
The present invention relates to a nature-friendly and environmentally-friendly construction method to cleanly reprocess material molecules having light and heavy specific gravity, which are coupled to all kinds of fluid and gaseous material molecules using specific gravity, mass, effects of gravity, and material collision effects, using a material molecule separator, and a material molecule separator applied thereto. The nature-friendly and environmentally-friendly construction method removes all kinds of garbage and contaminants from rainwater and river water to purify the rainwater and river water into clean water or gas.본 발명은 비중과 질량과 중력의 작용과 물질충돌작용을 이용하여 모든 종류의 유체성 물질분자와 기체성 물질분자에 결합된 비중이 가벼운 물질분자와 비중이 무거운 물질분자들을 물질분자분리기를 이용하여 깨끗하게 재 가공하는 자연친화적인 친환경 공법과 여기에 적용되는 물질분자분리기를 이용하여 빗물과 하천수에 함유된 각종 쓰레기들과 오염물질들 제거하여 깨끗한 물로 정화하거나 깨끗한 기체로 정화하는 자연친화적인 친환경 공법과 여기에 적용되는 물질분자 분리기에 관한 발명이다