Yi Seed Righteousness Zu Legs Ban Installed are set, and include:One Even joint chairs, the Let connect for a Righteousness limb calfs Even sets what The Even and meets a And from the The Even joint chairs preceding branch Brace plates that Bend foldings extend forward downwards and a Let sets the Hou branch Brace plates that branch Brace plate Hou And before what The extend to Hou Bend foldings downwards from The Even joint chairs, part of each Ju mono- Far From The Even joint chairs of branch Brace Ban Jian With The Hou branch Brace plates to one plane of branch Brace whats before The, and branch Brace plates branch Brace what plane Mian Plot and one dispose branch Brace Ban Jian With Hou branch Brace Ban Jian Inter Zhong Inter Pads pieces before what before the small what The of The Hou branch Brace plate branch Brace what plane Mian Plot. Using the utility model Knot Agencies Let Meter , Xiang More what Xian Qian Ji Intraoperative, in addition to Ke Yi Ti Gong Legs provide more preferably Hang Jin Tui Jin strength with mono- steps of function , Tong Time Geng Jin of Cheng Chong Time shock-absorbing Slow Red, what Ge cases walking Tui Jin can be more helped.一種義足之腳板裝置,包含:一供一義肢小腿部連接的連接座、一設置於該連接座並自該連接座向下向前彎折延伸的前支撐板件,及一設置於該前支撐板件後並自該連接座向下向後彎折延伸的後支撐板件,該前支撐板件與該後支撐板件各具一遠離該連接座用以支撐於一平面的部分,且該後支撐板件支撐於平面的面積小於該前支撐板件支撐於平面的面積,及一安置於前支撐板件與後支撐板件間的中間墊片。利用本新型的結構設計,相較於先前技術,除了可以提供腳跟承重時吸震緩衝的功能,同時更進一步提供了更佳的行進推進力量,能更有助於個案行走推進。