Invention herewith described refers to the magnetic cover for steering wheels on vehicles and represents an invention which stimulates the organism of the driver, avoids fatigue, drowsiness and similar symptoms in drivers who drive on the roads every day. The magnets in the cover accelerate the flow of blood through the blood vessels and thereby stimulate the whole body, prevent fatigue, maintain the vitality of the driver&rsquos body. The magnetic cover contains cover (1) assembly embedded in the outer sheath (6) to which there are on the inside with their front surface set the magnets (4) built in through the openings (3) of the sheath (2) which is open in volume to the mounting of the magnets (4) which are with their backside set on the outer sheath (6) that with its inner side rests on the steering wheel cover mounted on vehicles.Magnetna navlaka za volan na vozilima predstavlja pronalazak kojim se stimuliše organizam vozača, izbegava zamor, uspavanost i slično kod vozača koji su svakodnevno na putevima. Magneti u navlaci ubrzavaju protok krvi kroz krvne sudove i time ceo organizam stimulišu, sprečavaju zamor, održavaju vitalnost organizma kod vozača.Magnetnu navlaku čini sklop omotača (1) ugrađenog u spoljni omotač (6) na koji je sa unutrašnje strane prednjom površinom oslonjeni magneti (4) ugrađeni kroz otvore (3) omotača (2) koji je po obimu otvoren za ugradnju magneta (4) koji se zadnjom stranom oslanjaju na spoljni omotač (6) koji sa unutrašnje strane naleže na omotač (1) volana ugrađenog na vozilima.