Surgical prosthesis for the treatment of inguinal hernias, formed by a single flat piece that has a dividing line (2) of central cut, which does not cut the entire surface of the prosthesis and therefore there is a closed area or continuity ( 3) that allows the prosthesis to form a single body, and that allows the passage of the spermatic cord (5), which is characterized because it is formed by asymmetric sections (1 and 1 ') with respect to said dividing line (2) of central cut in which at its initial end there is a fold (4) that allows folding both asymmetric sections, each asymmetric section (1 and 1 ') formed by a semioval body (11 and 11') which is made at its lower end a notch (12 and 12 '), of oval shape, from which part a lower oval and oblong fin (13 and 13'), and in which once the prosthesis is folded, an opening (120) or central hole is generated with oval shape and different zones are generated with double resistance, one z top ona (110) and a lower zone (130). (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)1. Prótesis quirúrgica para el tratamiento de hernias inguinales, formado por una única pieza plana que dispone de una línea divisoria (2) de corte central, la cual no corta toda la superficie de la prótesis y por tanto hay una zona cerrada o continuidad (3) que permite que la prótesis forme un solo cuerpo, y que permite el paso del cordón espermático (5), que se caracteriza porque está forma por secciones asimétricas (1 y 1') respecto dicha línea divisoria (2) de corte central en la que en su extremo inicial hay una doblez (4) que permite el plegar ambas secciones asimétricas, estando cada sección asimétrica (1 y 1') formada por un cuerpo semioval (11 y 11') al que se le realiza en su extremo inferior una muesca (12 y 12'), de forma ovalada, de la que parte una aleta inferior ovalada y oblonga (13 y 13'), y en la que una vez la prótesis está plegada se genera una abertura (120) u orificio central con forma oval y se generan diferentes