Spraying system by a farmer's self-spraying pesticide water line The troubled spraying system, which is a problem of the spraying system of a pipe lake and a spray nozzle, is a labor force, spraying time, and management of the remaining nutrient solution in the lake line after spraying. In order to realize discharge, the present invention is designed by gathering the components necessary for automatic unmanned spraying in one place. It is characterized by being manufactured, and therefore there is no residual nutrient solution. The ultra-fine mist spray impossible with the DC pump was solved with the drawing ①1A.C high-pressure pump and the drawing ① 2 with the optional water level regulating structure and the drawing ① 11 drawing by applying the water level blocking ball tower ② The amount of nutrient solution intake The structure of the nutrient solution intake at the same time is applied to the injection of nutrient solution from the starch machine Is possible and the water level control can be blocked. After spraying, the remaining nutrient solution present in the medicine bottle is ⑤ drawing ⑤, and the position sensor (position) at the tunnel entrance, which is the location of spray termination, recognizes the completion of the spraying operation, and the drawing ② 82 automatic valve opens and automatically cleans with the 83-A residual nutrient discharge inlet. Is discharged. Drawing ① It is designed to spray automatically without additional manipulation by applying the position sensor (position) and control box #10.농가의 자가분무 농약호수줄에 의한 분무시스템 배관호수와 분사노즐의 결합의 분무시스템들의 문제점인 고된 노동력, 분무시간, 분무 후 호수 줄 안에 잔존양액 분무기계의관리 분무 할 양액의 효율적인 입수, 잔존양액배출을 실현하고자 본 발명품은 자동무인분무에 필요한 구성요소들은 한곳에 모아 설계. 제작 되는 것이 특징이며 그로인해 잔존양액이 존재하지않고 비닐하우스 천정부 행거파이프 레일을 따라 이동하며 자동분무기계이다. D.C펌프에서 불가능한 초미립 안개형분사를 도면①1A.C 고압펌프로 해결하였으며 도면① 2선택형 수위조절약통구조와 도면① 11수위차단볼탑 적용으로 도면② 양액입수 잔존양액 배출구조로 동시에 전분무기계 양액입수가 가능하며 수위조절 차단이 가능하다. 분무 후 약통 안에 존재하는 잔존양액은 도면⑤ 분무종료지점이며 배치장소인 터널입구의 위치센서(포지션)인식으로 분무작업 종료와 함께 도면② 82자동