A product comprising at least one densified biomass particulate of agiven mass having no added binder and comprised of a plurality of lignin-coatedplant biomass fibers is provided, wherein the at least one densified biomassparticulate has an intrinsic density substantially equivalent to a binder-containingdensified biomass particulate of the same given mass and has a substantiallysmooth, non-flakey outer surface. Methods for using and making the product arealso described.1. A product is provided comprising at least one densified biomassparticulate having a substantially smooth, non-flakey outer surface andcontaining no added binder, wherein said densified biomass particulate iscomprised of a plurality of pretreated lignin-coated plant biomass fiberswhichcontain a trace amount of base from pretreatment of said fibers. Methods forusing and making the product are also described.