This invention provides an UHF IC tag for urine sensor and a HF IC tag for urine sensor capable of clearly picking out whether urine exists in the vicinity or not, and also provides a highly reliable urination detecting system that operates with few malfunction by using the afore-mentioned IC tag as an urine sensor. The UHF or HF IC tag includes an IC chip 4 and an antenna circuit, wherein the resonance wavelength of the antenna circuit is tuned with a predetermined wavelength so as to communicate with a reader. In a portion of an impedance-matching loop section (1b) or a portion of a nonmatching loop section (2e), formed in the antenna circuit, is provided a notch section(1e, 2f) functioning as an urine sensor. By thus, it is possible to clearly pick out whether urine or electrolyte etc. exists in the vicinity of the IC tag or not according to the situation whether communication with the reader can be performed or not. Besides, by using the IC tag as an urine sensor, the detection accuracy of the urination detecting system is improved.本發明之目的在於提供:一種能明確地辨識周圍是否存在尿液之尿感測器用超高頻IC標籤及尿感測器用高頻IC標籤,與藉由將該標籤做為尿感測器使用而能誤動作少且可靠性高之排尿偵測系統。一種超高頻IC標籤或是高頻IC標籤,具備IC晶片4與天線電路,使該天線電路的共振波長與既定波長調諧而與讀取器通信,其中,於在天線電路所形成的阻抗匹配用環路部(1b)或是不匹配用環路部(2e)的一部分上,設有做為尿感測器部之缺口部(1e、2f),用以當作尿感測器。因此,由與讀取器通信的可否來看,可以明確地辨識該標籤的周圍是否有尿或電解質等存在。又,藉由將此等IC標籤做為尿感測器使用,可提升排尿偵測系統的偵測精度。1...尿感測器用超高頻IC標籤1a...天線部1b...環路部1c...橋接部1d...IC晶片連接部1e...缺口部2...尿感測器用超高頻IC標籤2a...天線部2b...第1環路部2c...橋接部2d...IC晶片連接部2e...第2環路部2f...缺口部3...基材4...IC晶片A、B...天線電路圖案