An animals and plants cultivation device is disclosed, which comprises a cultivation box, a medium part, a fog device, a liquid storage box, a filtration device, a cooling device and a controller. The cultivation box comprises a bottom wall, an annular wall, an inner compartment, an opening part, a cover body, a separation board, a ventilation hole, a fluid transmission tube, a gas extraction device and a light source. The medium part is disposed in the inner compartment. The fog device is disposed on the medium part. The liquid storage box is disposed under the bottom wall. The filtration device is in fluid communication with an effluent port of the liquid storage box. The cooling device is in fluid communication with the filtration device and an influent port of the fluid transmission tube. The controller is electrically connected with the gas extraction device, the light source, the fog device, the filtration device and the cooling device. Accordingly, the structure can be simplified, and purposes of reducing costs and increasing accessibility can be attained.本發明係有關於一種動植物栽培設備,其包括栽培箱、介質件、造霧裝置、儲液箱、過濾裝置、冷卻裝置及控制器。其中,栽培箱包括底壁、環壁、內容室、開口部、蓋體、隔板、通氣孔、輸液管、抽氣裝置及光源;介質件置設於內容室;造霧裝置置放於介質件上;儲液箱置設於底壁下方;過濾裝置液體連通地連結於儲液箱之出液口;冷卻裝置液體連通地連結於過濾裝置與輸液管之入液孔;控制器電性連接於抽氣裝置、光源、造霧裝置、過濾裝置與冷卻裝置。藉此,可達到結構簡單化並可降低成本與增加使用方便性之目的。1‧‧‧動植物栽培設備2‧‧‧栽培箱20‧‧‧光源21‧‧‧底壁22‧‧‧環壁23‧‧‧內容室25‧‧‧通氣孔27‧‧‧蓋體28‧‧‧抽氣裝置29‧‧‧隔板291‧‧‧通孔3‧‧‧造霧裝置4‧‧‧儲液箱5‧‧‧過濾裝置6‧‧‧冷卻裝置7‧‧‧介質件