Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennostyu "Oftalmologicheskij tsentr Konovalova"
Konovalov Mikhail Egorovich,Коновалов Михаил Егорович,Kozhukhov Arsenij Aleksandrovich,Кожухов Арсений Александрович,Zenina Mariya Leonidovna,Зенина Мария Леонидовна,Konovalova Mariya Mikhajlovna,Коно
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to ophthalmology, and is intended for the surgical treatment of eye diseases by means of laser. Preoperative regional and local topical anesthesia, pupil dilation, and standard treatment of the surgical field are performed. A suction ring is installed on the cornea and femtosecond laser is approached to the eye through this ring, laser tuning is performed, femtosecond laser capsulorhexis, lens nucleus fragmentation and main and two additional corneal incisions are carried out consistently which are then open using micro spatulas. The front chamber is filled with viscoelastic via syringe and cannula assembly through one of corneal incisions. Thus, during femtosecond laser capsulorhexis the front capsule flap is formed, which is raised by introduction of viscoelastic and air into the front chamber, so that the flap is adhered to the central portion of the rear surface of the corneal flap leaving a thin layer of viscoelastic between the flap and the back surface of cornea. Then the laser-fragmented lens nucleus and lenticular masses are removed using phacoemulsifier, an intraocular lens is implanted in the capsular bag, viscoelastic is washed from the front chamber with the front capsule flap adhered to the back surface of cornea, the front chamber is filled and profiles are sealed by means of their hydration by balanced saline, and lucocorticoid preparation and antibiotic solution are administered subconjunctivally.EFFECT: invention allows to provide the maximum protection layer of endothelial corneal cells, minimize postoperative corneal edema, quickly restore visual function.3 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии, и предназначено для хирургического лечения глазных болезней с использованием лазера. Проводят предоперационную регионарную и местную топическую анестезию, расширение зрачка и стандартную обработку операционного поля. Устанавливают на роговицу вакуумное кольцо и осуществ