1. Pump system for intravenous (IV) infusion (IV), comprising: a pumping assembly comprising: a receptacle adapted to contain a medical fluid ivyravnivayuschee means attached to the container, wherein the alignment means comprises one of a magnetic or magnetically sensitive material ivnutrivenny pump comprising: a housing shaped cavity formed in the housing, wherein the cavity is shaped to receive the alignment of the pump assembly means iprityagivayuschy member attached to the housing, wherein the attraction member comprises a magnetic or when the aligning means comprises a magnetic material, magnetically material attraction member is configured to attract the aligning member to a profiled polosti.2. The pumping system for intravenous infusions of claim 1, wherein the alignment means comprises a material magnetically, and the magnetic attraction member comprises material.3. The pumping system for intravenous infusions of claim 2, wherein the material is magnetically coated on the surface of the alignment sredstva.4. The pumping system for intravenous infusions of claim 2, wherein the attractive element comprises elektromagnit.5. The pumping system for intravenous infusions of claim 1, wherein as the leveling agent, and a magnetic attraction member comprise material.6. The pumping system for intravenous infusions of claim 1, wherein the attraction member and the profiled cavity configured so that aligning means directed in a predetermined position within the shaped cavity means1. Насосная система для внутривенных (IV) вливаний (ВВ), содержащая:насосный узел, содержащий:приемный резервуар, выполненный для содержания медицинской жидкости ивыравнивающее средство, прикрепленное к резервуару, при этом выравнивающее средство содержит один из магнитного или магниточувствительного материала ивнутривенный насос, содержащий:корпуспрофилированную полость, образованную в корпусе, причем профилированная полость выполнена для приема выравнивающего средства насосного узла ипритяги