The present invention relates to a method for producing articles impregnated with at least one plant extract from at least one plant, characterized in that it comprises the following steps: a) extraction and/or pressing of at least one plant (V1), or of at least one part of said plant, producing a liquid plant extract (E1) and a solid fibrous residue (R1), then b) separation of said plant extract (E1) comprising at least one water-soluble or liposoluble substance from said fibrous residue (R1), and c) destructuring of said fibrous residue (R1), d) production of a fibrous web or of an article made from the fibrous residue (R1) obtained in step c), and e) impregnation of said fibrous residue (R1) with (i) at least said plant extract (E1), which is optionally concentrated, purified, flavoured and/or fragranced, with (ii) at least one water-soluble or liposoluble plant substance isolated from said plant extract (E1), with (iii) at least one composition comprising at least one optionally concentrated, purified, flavoured and/or fragranced water-soluble or liposoluble substance of said plant extract (E1), with (iv) at least one plant extract (E2) or at least one composition comprising at least one optionally concentrated, purified, flavoured and/or fragranced water-soluble or liposoluble substance of said plant extract (E2), resulting from an extraction or pressing of a plant (V2) different from said plant (V1). It also relates to the resulting articles.Винахід належить до способу виготовлення виробів, імпрегнованих принаймні однією рослинною речовиною із принаймні однієї рослини, який включає такі стадії: a) екстракцію та/або пресування принаймні однієї рослини (Р1) або принаймні однієї частини зазначеної рослини, одержуючи рідкий рослинний екстракт (Е1) і твердий волокнистий залишок (O1), потім b) відділення зазначеного рослинного екстракту (Е1) від зазначеного твердого волокнистого залишку (O1), і c) деструктурування зазначеного волокнистого залишку (O1), d) виготовлен