Vorgeschlagen wird die Verwendung von Zimtsäureamid-Derivaten der Formel (I)in der R1, R2, R3 und R4 unabhängig voneinander für Wasserstoff oder eine Methoxygruppe stehen, als Geschmacksstoffe.Use of cinnamic acid derivatives (I) as flavoring agents, is claimed. Use of cinnamic acid derivatives of formula (I) as flavoring agents, is claimed. R1-R4 : H or OCH 3. Independent claims are also included for: (1) a flavoring formulation comprising (a) (I) and (b) at least one further flavoring substance and (2) a composition for oral intake, comprising (i) (I) and (ii) at least one further ingredient suitable for consumption, which comprises carriers, flavoring substances, fats or oils, emulsifiers or antioxidants. [Image].