A method for the preparationof a nicotine-cellulose combination, themethod comprising simultaneous loading ofthe nicotine on the cellulose and agglomerationof the particles so as to obtain a suitablyloaded combination with a mean particlesize that is suitable for use e.g. in snuffcompositions packed in pouches of gauzeor other materials with opening. The inventionfurther relates to the use of such a nicotine-cellulosecombination for the preparationof a snuff composition for achievementof a fast onset of action of nicotine after applicationof the snuff composition to theoral cavity of a subject, wherein the compositionhas a high release rate so that whensubjected to an in vitro dissolution testabout 45% or more of the total content ofnicotine is released within 30 minutes.Moreover, the invention relates to an improvedsnuff composition for application tothe oral cavity.