A perinatal strategy or method of preventing adult diseases: obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, lymphomas and leukemias in later life and improving higher cognitive function and memory and also preventing the development of dementias and Alzheimer"s disease is described which involves supplementation of LCPUFAs: GLA, DGLA, AA, EPA and DHA to the infant from birth till 5 years of age and also to the pregnant women from 2nd trimester of pregnancy onwards. Giving these LCPUFAs from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy to the pregnant mother and to the newborn till 5 years of age post-term, which is considered as the critical period of growth, will ensure the prevention or postponement of the development of the above mentioned adult diseases. It is also suggested that these LCPUFAs need to be given even during the adult age to continue to get the benefit of this perinatal feeding (of these LCPUFAs).