The present Invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions that include a Powder for oral susupension tacrolimus has a high stability, as Powder for suspension and the suspension once prepared extemporaneously without the formation of agglomerates of Type Cake Cake, a good SAT Or and pleasant aroma.The Invention also relates to the preparation method of the pharmaceutical compositions, Dry process which is mixing for an appropriate time Tacrolimus and the pharmaceutical acceptable previously sifted, and the use of the pharmaceutical compositions for the Treatment Treatment and Prevention of organ transplant rejection and atopic dermatitis.LA PRESENTE INVENCION DESCRIBE COMPOSICIONES FARMACEUTICAS QUE CONSISTEN EN UN POLVO PARA SUSUPENSION ORAL DE TACROLIMUS QUE PRESENTA GRAN ESTABILIDAD, COMO POLVO PARA SUSPENSION Y TAMBIEN UNA VEZ PREPARADA LA SUSPENSION EXTEMPORANEA SIN LA FORMACION DE AGLOMERADOS DE TIPO TORTA (CAKE), DE BUEN SABOR Y AGRADABLE AROMA. LA INVENCION TAMBIEN DESCRIBE EL METODO DE PREPARACION DE LAS COMPOSICIONES FARMACEUTICAS, PROCEDIMIENTO EN SECO QUE CONSISTE EN MEZCLAR DURANTE UN TIEMPO ADECUADO TACROLIMUS Y LOS EXCIPIENTES FARMACEUTICOS ACEPTABLES PREVIAMENTE TAMIZADOS, Y EL USO DE LAS COMPOSICIONES FARMACEUTICAS PARA EL TRATAMIENTO Y PREVENCION DEL RECHAZO DE TRANSPLANTE DE ORGANOS Y DERMATITIS ATOPICA.