An interactive brainwave states feedback apparatus is disclosed in the present invention. The interactive brainwave states feedback apparatus includes a detector, a storage unit, a processor, and an egg-shaped light emitting device. The detector is utilized to detect a brainwave signal of a user. The storage unit is utilized to store a plurality of reference brainwaves and a plurality of light wavelengths corresponding to the reference brainwaves. The processor is utilized to analyze the brainwave signal and generate a light signal. The egg-shaped light emitting device includes a flexible main body, a light emitting element, and a pressure sensor. The light emitting element is utilized to emit a light corresponding to the light signal. The pressure sensor is utilized to make the egg-shaped light emitting device stop receiving the light signal when sensing an external force on the flexible main body. The light represents a focus state or a concentration state of the user.一種腦波感測反映裝置包含一腦波感測器、一儲存單元、一微處理器與一發光蛋型體。腦波感測器用以偵測一腦波信號。儲存單元記錄複數個參考腦波波形與所對應的複數個發光波長。微處理器,分析腦波信號,以解析出一感應腦波波形,藉以獲得感應腦波波形所對應之參考腦波波形所對應之發光波長,據以產生一發光信號。發光蛋型體包含一彈性蛋型透光本體、一發光元件與一壓感元件,接收發光信號並據以發出一光束,且在受到擠壓時,停止接收發光信號,並在一設定時間內維持發出光束。其中,光束用以表示使用者的一定力程度與一專注程度。