Yi Seed Stuffy barrel types cure Qian Zao Machine , Department:Yi Machine Body, the mono- Stuffy barrels of rooms one Side Tu Let of the portions Top, there is a Ru Liao Valve above Stuffy barrels of rooms, and the oily Pressure cylinders Come Flooding Move outside Xia Fang The Let You Complex Number Even Move Kai Closed Valve Door The Xie Even Move Kai Closed Valve Door Department Tou Over Machine Body, Yi Kong Complex Number Even Move Kai Closed Valve Door, which are the two Ge Let of Side of the bottoms discharge Move Zuo , Machine Body, has a discharge port Ji Yi Waste expect outletTwo Transverse formulas Lose send the universe dry bed, are in that the Transverse formulas Lose being arranged above and below send the universe dry bed with two Ge, two Transverse formulas Lose send the dry bed week Edge Let of the universe to be equipped at least one plus Hot dryers, the lower section that two Transverse formulas Lose send the dry bed Installed of the universe to set Closed mouthfuls of Let whats stated Machine Body Even Move KaiAnd at least one set the surface that , Pivot Let what Suo Shu mono- Transverse formulas Lose send the dry bed of the universe from clear Gua Ban InstalledThereby, enable the dry Come Strongization Feeding Liao Teeth Li Wai Concept and Steady of Mi Stuffy Tone Quality, curing, the universe of System Hou The this Chong works of Feeding Liao qualitative.一種悶桶式熟化乾燥機,係包含:一機體,頂部一側突設一悶桶室,悶桶室上方具有一入料閥,而下方則設有複數連動啟閉閥門,該些連動啟閉閥門係透過機體外部的油壓缸來驅動,以控制複數連動啟閉閥門做排料動作,機體底部二側各設有一出料口及一廢料排出口;二橫式輸送乾燥床,具有二個呈上下排列的橫式輸送乾燥床,二橫式輸送乾燥床周緣設置有至少一加熱乾燥器,二橫式輸送乾燥床裝置設於所述機體連動啟閉口的下方;以及至少一自清刮板裝置,樞設於所述一橫式輸送乾燥床的表面;藉此,令飼料製粒後經本創作之密悶調質、熟化、乾燥來強化飼料顆粒外觀及穩定性。