The apparatus includes components operable at a temperature in the range of 3.5-6 Kelvin. The apparatus further includes a heat reflective sheet comprising a plurality of layers wrapped around at least a portion of the component. The apparatus also includes a coupling device for coupling the heat reflecting sheet to at least a portion of the components. [Selection] Figure 1装置は、3.5~6ケルビンの範囲の温度で動作可能な構成要素を含む。装置はさらに、構成要素の少なくとも一部に巻き付けられた、複数の層を含む熱反射シートを含む。装置はまた、構成要素の少なくとも一部に熱反射シートを結合するための結合装置を含む。【選択図】図1