An economical computer-controlled non-invasive laser apparatus and method to perform anterior segment surgery in an eye are disclosed. The laser source may include a pumping laser, a Nd:YAG laser cavity gain media, a stimulated Raman converter crystal, intracavity beam diameter-reducing optics, and an intracavity Q-switching crystal. The laser pulses have a selected wavelength for anterior segment surgery. A laser pulse delivery and treatment control mechanism and method for the practicing surgeon are also provided. The laser pulses and delivery system may be used in anterior segment surgery for cataracts, where the laser pulses may be used to form the capsulotomy, to form the corneal incision or to disintegrate contents of the capsule before removal. The laser and delivery system may also the used to treat a capsule and lens for correcting or preventing presbyopia and to treat a cornea to correct visual deficiencies in an eye.