As for this invention, because ascent and descent and revolution possibly it has the bed section where it can place the user, it regards the lift device for movement which has the rotary possible bed section which improves the convenience of the care which it can lay down and/or moves the sick person. Because of this, as for this invention, revolution to be possibly provided in the based frame and the aforementioned based frame where it can provide the multiple portable wheels, complying with one side of the L letter condition post and the aforementioned post which from the aforementioned based frame extend to the upper part the bed section which ascent and descent possibly is provided and, including, to be the lift device for movement which has the rotary possible bed section which becomes, the post which revolution possibly it supports being formed the aforementioned bed section by L letter condition, to become, because the support dot which revolution possibly it supports is formed the bed section to the median of the based frame, the bed section where the sick person can place turning, structureMaintaining a state where it is stabilized in the mark, it is possible, it prevents the secondary injury of the sick person and to prevent the rollover accident of the lift device for movement, the person who is nursed.本発明は、ユーザが乗せられたベッド部を昇降および回転可能に備えているので、病人を寝かせたり移動させたりする世話の利便性を向上させた回転可能なベッド部を備えた移動用リフト装置に関する。このため、本発明は、複数の移動輪が設けられたベースフレームと、前記ベースフレームに旋回可能に設けられ、前記ベースフレームから上方に延びるL字状ポストと、前記ポストの一側にそって昇降可能に設けられたベッド部と、を含んでなる回転可能なベッド部を備えた移動用リフト装置であり、前記ベッド部を回転可能に支持するポストがL字状に形成されてなり、ベッド部を回転可能に支持する支持点がベースフレームの中央に形成されるので、病人が乗せられたベッド部が回転しても構造的に安定した状態を維持して移動用リフト装置の転覆事故を防ぐことができ、病人および介護する者の2次負傷を防止する。