PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an aid device for the application of a retractor which facilitates and secures the work of inserting a celom inserting part of the retractor into a celom as for a type used to get applied on an excised wound the refractor which is constituted of two rings, at least one being elastic, disposed facing each other coaxially and a cylindrical elastic member mounted on the rings with both ends extended and holds the excised wound being grasped from inside and outside the celom.SOLUTION: The retractor aid device is constituted of a outer coat 1 having a outer coat part longer-sized than the body paries of an excised wound site and a pressing lot 2 detachably inserted into the celom of the outer coat 1 being freely sliding through it.COPYRIGHT: (C)2007,JPO&INPIT【課題】同軸に対向配置した、少なくとも一方が弾性を有する2つのリングと、該リングに両端を拡張して取付けた筒状の弾性部材より構成された、該リングにより切開創を体壁内外から挟んで保持する開創器具を、切開創に装着するさいに使用する装着補助器具について、前記開創器具の体腔挿入部を体腔内部に挿入する作業を容易かつ確実とする開創具装着補助具を提供すること。【解決手段】本開創具補助器具は、切開創部位の体壁より長尺となる外套部を有する外套1と、該外套1の内腔に挿脱自在に摺動する押込みロット2により構成した。【選択図】 図1