ЭГАМЕЙТ Джеймс (US),ГРИФФИТ Скотт Р. (US),ДЕСКАЛЬЦИ Дуглас (US),МАРШ Чарльз (US)
1. A method for monitoring the progress of an injection procedure of a radiopharmaceutical, comprising: measuring and monitoring the activity of the radiopharmaceutical that remains in the portion of the disposable administration kit used with the fluid delivery device of the radiopharmaceutical; moreover, the measurement and monitoring is performed during the injection procedure of the radiopharmaceutical; and displaying the activity of the radiopharmaceutical remaining in the portion of the disposable administration kit, the mapping being performed during the injection procedure of the radiopharmaceutical. 2. The method according to claim 1, where the measurement and monitoring is performed using one of the ionization chamber, a CZT crystal detector, a Geiger-Muller counter and a scintillation counter. The method of claim 1, wherein displaying the activity of the radiopharmaceutical agent, comprising: displaying a representation of the activity of the radiopharmaceutical agent remaining in the disposable administration kit portion on a display device of a liquid delivery device of the radiopharmaceutical agent. The method of claim 1, wherein the measured activity of the radiopharmaceutical remaining in the portion of the disposable administration kit is activity, measured as a function of time, flow rate, and volume. The method according to claim 1, wherein the disposable administration kit comprises: a component of a medical fluid; a component of a radiopharmaceutical; a component of a coil that is connected to a component of a medical fluid and a component of a radiopharmaceutical that is part of a disposable kit for administration and configuration�1. Способ для мониторинга прогресса процедуры инъекции радиофармацевтического средства, включающий:измерение и мониторинг активности радиофармацевтического средства, остающегося в части одноразового набора для введения, используемого с устройством доставки жидкости радиофармацевтического средства; причем измерение и