Лукомец Вячеслав Михайлович (RU),Трубилин Александр Иванович (RU),Шафоростов Василий Дмитриевич (RU),Ефимкин Николай Владимирович (RU),Макаров Сергей Сергеевич (RU),Минка Станислав Александрович (RU)
The invention relates to agricultural engineering and can be used in sowing apparatus disc type precision seed of soybean seeds. The disc has a hole for fixing it on the horizontal axis. The cells formed on one of its sides and each of them has the shape of part of the geometric body, the total of six reciprocally interconnected bodies: direct quadrangular prism, frustum of the first cylinder, the blend its axial cross section with one of the bases of the prism, two additional truncated on their axes cylinders, each of which is aligned with its axial section of the side face of the prism, two balls, each truncated by two mutually perpendicular diametrical planes and reciprocally each their section planes th base of the first truncated cylinder and a base of one of the additional truncated cylinder, whereby this part conventionally severed from the total geometric body working surface plane of the disc and conventionally housed in the disc body so that the plane in which lie the axes of all three truncated cylinders located angle α≤50 ° to the working surface of the disc, and the total cross section of the body of the working surface plane of the disc has an oval shape with the length of the major axis coinciding with the radius of the disc, equal to l = 2,77 D, the minor axis - 2,38 D, radius m rounding oval - 0,92 D, wherein the center oval is located at a distance t = 1,69 D from the outer edge of the disc, the depth of the cell is equal to 1,54 D, where D - the average size of grains of soybean. 1 ZP f-ly, 1 pr., 7 yl.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению и может быть использована в высевающих аппаратах дискового типа для точного высева семян сои. Диск имеет отверстие для закрепления его на горизонтальной оси. Ячейки выполнены на одной из его боковых сторон и каждая из них имеет форму части геометрического тела, совокупного из шести совмещенных между собой тел: прямой четырехгранной призмы, усеченного первого цилиндра, совмещенного свои