The subject of the invention is antioxidative and antimicrobiological protection of milk and dairy products by using extracts from labiateae family plants and their synergistic mixtures. The oil soluble extract of labiateae family plants contains up to 100 wt. % carnosolic acid. The water soluble extract of rosemary contains up to 100 wt. % rosemary acid. The oil soluble extract of labiateae and/or water soluble extract of labiateae or a mixture of labiateae extract and additives (other plant extracts with antioxidative and/or antimicrobiological activity, emulsifiers for applications in food as well as other antioxidants approved in food), which are acting synergistically with the labiateae extract, are added to milk and dairy products in the total active ingredient concentration of minimum 1 mg/kg.Predmet izuma je antioksidativna in antimikrobiološka zaščita mleka in mlečnih izdelkov z uporabo ekstraktov iz rastlin družine ustnatic in njihovimi sinergističnimi mešanicami. Oljetopni ekstrakt rastlin družine ustnatic vsebuje do 100 ut.% karnozolne kisline. Vodotopni ekstrakt rožmarina vsebuje do 100 ut.% rožmarinske kisline. Oljetopni ekstrakt ustnatic in/ali vodotopni ekstrakt ustnatic ali mešanico ekstrakta ustnatic in dodatkov (drugi rastlinski ekstrakti z antioksidativnim in/ali antimikrobiološkim delovanjem, emulgatorji za uporabo v hrani ter drugi v hrani odobreni antioksidanti), ki z ekstraktom ustnatic sinergistično delujejo dodamo v mleko in mlečne izdelke v skupni koncentraciji aktivnih učinkovin min. 1 mg/kg.