Рыжко Николай Федорович (RU),Шушпанов Иван Анатольевич (RU),Попова Наталья Евгеньевна (RU),Холодкова Галина Александровна (RU)
The proposed utility model refers to agriculture and can be used in a sprinkler that moves around in a circle.The technical goal of the invention is to create a sprinkler system that allows to move around the field with surface drops of up to 25%, which has a simpler maintenance system for maintaining a watering pipeline on spans of up to 50-60 m in length and using energy from a single source - the irrigation network.A sprinkler including a fixed support, support carriages with hydrodrives based on hydraulic cylinders, a irrigation pipeline with sprinkler devices, characterized in that as the supporting irrigation pipeline devices are used triangular trusses consisting of steel corners and screeds supporting an additional steel pipe of small section, to which by means of clamps a watering pipe consisting of a single polyethylene pipe is fixed, the ends of the trusses are pivotally connected to the supports the controllers of the trolleys are located at the hinge joints, the regulating rods of which are connected by means of rods to adjacent farms, forming an equilateral triangle, while the irrigation pipeline is connected to the rotary elbow of the machine through the disk shutter,The advantage of the proposed sprinkler is that it can move around the field with surface drops of more than 5% (up to 25%), has a more simple maintenance system for maintaining a irrigation pipeline on trusses up to 50-60 m in length and uses for its movement one source of energy - irrigation network. 3 ill.Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству и может быть использована в дождевальной машине, перемещающейся по кругу.Технической задачей изобретения является создание конструкции дождевальной машины, позволяющей передвигаться по полю при перепадах поверхности до 25%, имеющую более простую в эксплуатации систему поддержания поливного трубопровода на пролетах длиной до 50-60 м и использующую энергию от одного источника - оросительной сети.Дождевальная машина, включающая