< Topic >Structure being simple, it is cheap and lightweight, walking and is possible freely, the Achilles tendon remedy tool which uses the Achilles tendon guide and the particular Achilles tendon guide where restricting in regard to life are less than the so far markedly, furthermore can compact healing period is offered.SolutionsThe fracture section of the Achilles tendon which it fractures is included, the Achilles tendon guide itself of the thermoplasticity synthetic resin make which possesses the concave streak section 33 which can wrap the range which is wider than the particular fracture section cylindrical the Achilles tendon guide 30 who consists of the guide cover 32 of elastomer make it possesses size and the form which cover the surface which at least corresponds to the Achilles tendon in 31 and particular Achilles tendon guide itself 31 is wiped, and others the person in charge stopping, particular you wipe inside joint side cover 20, it locked the fracture section and others of joint side cover making use 20 and the shell side cover, coherent of the fracture section that tried it is promoted.< Choice figure >Drawing 2【課題】構造が簡素で安価かつ軽量であり、自由に歩行も可能であって、生活上の制限もこれまでより格段に少なく、しかも治癒期間を短縮できるアキレス腱ガイドおよび当該アキレス腱ガイドを用いたアキレス腱治療具を提供する。【解決手段】断裂したアキレス腱の断裂部を含み、当該断裂部より広い範囲を円筒状に包み込み得る凹条部33を具備した熱可塑性合成樹脂製のアキレス腱ガイド本体31と、当該アキレス腱ガイド本体31における少なくともアキレス腱に対応する面を覆う大きさ及び形状を有するエラストマー製のガイドカバー32とからなるアキレス腱ガイド30を、ふくらはぎ側カバー20内に係止し、当該ふくらはぎ側カバー20と甲側カバーを用いて、断裂部を固定し断裂部の癒合が促進されるようにした。【選択図】図2